



On behalf of the ABC Professional Network LLC’S Board of Directors and other members of our professional network, we welcome you to our community. Over the coming months we look forward to meeting you, whether it be tomorrow, or whenever you wish to improve your property.

Our Business Developer and Director of Operations Jesse Jack Martinez, can be reached at 760.563.2227 or via email at jmartinez@abc-pros.net he should be contacted regarding any service issues with the construction process, any apparent violations of rules and guidelines from our assigned Sales Agents, Certified Contractors, Supervisors, and for any questions about our business model and operations procedures.

As a homeowner, you may already have some ideas on how you’d like to improve your property. Please keep in mind that most communities, towns, or cities have an Architectural Review Committee to help maintain the quality of your neighborhood. Its function is to evaluate the plans for all exterior landscaping, repairs, and remodeling (such as painting, decks, fences, trees and bushes, replacement roofs, etc.) to ensure compliance with all covenants, restrictions and guidelines. The purpose for this review is to protect and maintain the value of your properties.

Again, ABC PROS welcomes you to our community. We hope you’ll find our website a suitable place to fulfill your construction requirements. We encourage you to give us an opportunity so you can learn about our business procedures.

Jesse Jack Martinez
Business Developer and Director of Operations